what is camp?
Camp is a universe unlike any other. Anyone who has experienced camp will share their memories that often sound like:
The Building Blocks of Camp
Block One: Community
Camp is in a league of its own.
A unique culture is present at every camp, creating a strong community that connects and celebrates unique traditions and rituals. Fun sleepaway camps, travel programs, and pre-college classes are a place where bonds are formed and life-long friendships are made.

Block Two: Fun Play World
It is all fun & games from now on!
In this highly creative world of play, imaginations & dreams become reality. Any idea is a good one. Creative expression is encouraged and children become more aware of their core strengths, especially in arts camps, and outdoor adventure camps for kids. Wi-Fi is not necessary to inspire at camp & children discover what it is to create in a world without technology, and yet with true connection.

Block Three: Just Outside the Comfort Zone
Camp is not only about trying something new, it’s about trying something challenging.
Camp creates that resilience necessary to overcome adversity and create inner strength. Some days are easy and breezy, other days come with barriers. But all days are rewarding and give a sense of accomplishment. Stepping outside your comfort zone … becomes comfortable at camp!

Block Four: Multi-cultural
A multitude of faces, accents and cultures makes diversity a main feature of camp.
Children come from across the world to attend North American ACA-certified camps to expose themselves to new cultures and develop their English language skills. Camp sees no race, no color, and no gender. Everyone is family here.

Block Five: Safe & Non-judgemental
Camp is a place where the children’s safety, health, and wellness comes first.
We are always thinking ahead to create a secure haven for our students. Some activities, although considered higher-risk, are always run by certified, experienced instructors who know how far each child can push themselves - safely. Rest-assured that your child’s emotional safety remains just as important as their physical safety. There is no judgment or preferential treatment tolerated at our sleep away summer camps. Everyone excels at their own pace & expresses themselves differently. This is what makes it a safe cocoon that no one wants to leave.

Block Six: Unstructured Learning
Everyone learns differently.
Camp offers a complete variety of exercises that provoke children’s learning styles at different levels. Unstructured learning is said to be one of the most impactful forms of education because it encourages exploration through free-play. New skills are quickly integrated & continued practice prevents summer learning loss. Whether your child has a fond appreciation for the great works of art and literature, whether they have a highly entrepreneurial side, or whether they are active & athletic, camp will bring their best self out.